The Guest Log
Welcome all you guests to the Las Vegas Dude's Website.<br />Please feel free to talk about anything you like in here, but be nice.<br /><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000" color="#ffff33">*** DON'T BE A LOG ***</font><br />Own one. Feel free to login and add to your log, and be sure to add to this one.
<< 10/2004 < 07/2005 Calendar 11/2005 > 10/2006 >>Sign InView Other Logs
10/20/2005 08:14:14
 Jim  In 800x600 resolution, you can’t see all of the LV
if you have a folders or favorites displayed next with your explorer.
09/23/2005 08:18:34
 Guest  This is SAE
Jimmy - Call me
If you get into Orlando before 5:20 PM, call me at 407-551-1333 (my work number).
If not, call me on my cellulite phone.
I am so anxious to see you and Ms. R.
I want to get a workout in tonight, but will settle for a short stationary bike ride at the hotel next door to our Extended Stay, which closes at 11pm.

So, I can do that in the 10 o'clock hour.
But how about din-din first.

I have been wanting to try this one place, or we can go to one of many good places around the area (no, not 51).
Desk pickup..
Jimmy... You have any room in the back of your truck? For one of those upright computer hutches/desks?
I bought one from Freddy, and got to pick it up from his wife Saturday at noon.
Freddy is the Base 24 guy who left M2 last week and is back in his native Dweebland (Canada).
Otherwise, I either have to break down the desk at their place (they are moving out of an apartment, about 1/2 mile down the road from our Camden)
to fit into me trunk or rent a van for the day to store it in my storage unit.
You're kinda kooky...
Some of your obversations are so funny. But I love them. 

07/07/2005 17:46:29
 Guest  Hi, I think your site is cool!!!
I've never seen anything like it! Keep up the good work.

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