Becky's Log |
![]() I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan. I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country. We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission. So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too". And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog! Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit. |
08/29/2007 06:12:39 jim Still sore from Tickling | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I tossed Becky on the inflatable couch to tickle her, and we were all flopping around, legs and arms flying. Some where in the mix, I got kneed in the throat. Oh man does that smart! That was Saturday. I got up Monday feeling crabby. Becky asked if I'd pick her up some coffee creamer, and I told her to hop a bus. Anyway, I called her Monday afternoon. She was half lost, looking for a bus to take her to Krogers. ![]() She said "no". I said "whats wrong baby?", and she started crying. She said, "I don't want you to be mad at me. I want to make you happy". I told her "I've never loved somebody as much as I love you". I think, if we were opposite sides of the world, and if we had all the time in the world, I think, we would find each other, and be together forever. |
08/14/2007 07:33:22 Jim Ate at Mozzoni | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
The menu's have a picture of every manager thats worked there since the beginning. I had their oyster roll, clam chowder, crab rangoon and fried green tomatoes. Becky had their spaghetti (which was GREAT). Their fried green tomatoes were only okay. So far, I haven't found fried green tomatoes here that are as good as what I have eaten before. That seems kind of kookie! The tomatoes just aren't tart like they should be. So I'm on a quest for the WORLDS BEST FRIED TOMATOES! Talked to Ida, Allen and Sonny last night. Allen said we should check out Wiley's park in the Appalachians. Becky was chatting with Renee, and Gma most of the same time. I think she sent Becky a bunch of pictures on her cell phone. |
08/12/2007 11:53:58 Jim Your beautiful Becky! | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Becky is SO SWEET!!! We're on the Merry-Go-Round |
08/06/2007 06:26:48 Jim GMorning Becky, I LOVE YOU! | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
![]() I love you with all of my heart. These times may seem great to some, but they've been rough on us. We don't know where we are going to be in four months. We can't settle in, or make any long term plans. Its feels odd to me, not being in full control. Our horses are running full bore, and we've lost the reigns. From what I can make of it, there's nothing I can do at work to change my fate. The best option we can choose, while I'm working, is to save all of the money we can and hope for the best. We don't want to settle in Vegas, and we don't know if we can settle here. It all seems like a mess, but everything will work out just fine. It always does. Trust me, trust life, and trust your instincts. This may be the most interesting time of our lives. If you feel you're ready, finding a Monday through Friday job on day shift might go a long way. You could save everything you make, and thats a really good thing. If you don't want to, thats fine too. Whatever you decide, I'm behind you all the way. |
08/05/2007 09:02:35 becky .blog | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Hi Sweetie I got some more picture's of Mckenzie the hospital sent me a link to my e-mail. |
08/04/2007 09:47:04 becky Happy Birthday Sonny - from Becky | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Hi Sonny Have a great birthday today. We miss you & love ya Becky & Jim |
08/03/2007 06:31:34 Jim Becky baby is a double GMa | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
At least, I think she is. We got a call this morning on our new phone around 1:30 am last night. I'm not used to this new phone. When someone calls, it announces their caller id, in a voice that sounds like the FBI is giving you their last warning to come out with you hands in the air. Anyway, that fit with my dreams, because I had just ordered some inhalers from India. They're illegal drugs, because I can't afford a doctor or American labeled drugs, and I don't have a prescription. I put the wrong apartment number on the order. To a straight laced guy like me, thats horrifying. Thats all that I do that's illegal. ANYWAY, back to the phone call. Renee and Becky were on the phone most of last night, talking about all kinds of things a guy shouldn't know. I didn't hear both sides of the conversation, but I heard Becky talking about the color of Renee's fluids (pink or clear) and I knew it was personal. Then I heard Becky yelling "GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW! GO! GO! GO!". Those phone conversations have been happening almost nightly, and all I can do is stare at the big screen TV with the sound off, so why not have some fun. Sealbach's Mint Juleps ($9.60) are actually quite good. Becky joined me about a half hour later, then we went to an antique car show on Fourth Street. We stopped by TGIF's and babbled with Jeff, the waiter. Later, we came back, nestled into bed, watched Rambo, then nodded away. Renee was in observation. I'd just have to assume she popped one out in the middle of the night. Becky said, with glowing eyes, "She's at 5 centimeters". I still don't know what that measures, because I'm an inch guy, and I'm not sure I even want to know. But Becky said "At 10 centimeters, she's ready to give birth". Its just another sleepless night here in Louisville for us. Another sleepless night. |
07/29/2007 21:03:23 becky THE ZOO | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Today we went too the zoo. We walked around a little bit. Then we took the train around the park. Went too the petty zoo where there were goat's and donkey's you could pet the goat's. Then we got on the tram and went too the Polar Bear's it was a little hot out. We got snack's at the Island cafe. After we left the park. Rod took us to see some historic homes. Rod asked us if we would like to see the Bats game. We went to the casino where Rod work's he showed us his office and got the tickets for the game. After the game Rod brought us home. Rod invited us over for dinner tomorrow night. |
07/21/2007 00:31:54 becky The Bellelouisville Steam Boat | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Some of the people on the boat were there for their high school reuion from 1972. We were the first table to get are food. We met some really nice people on the boat. The couple that was seating at the table with us it was thier 36yr anniversary. Then we met another couple that have been married for 56yrs. We went up too the top deck. It was so nice. We met a young couple from Lexington Kentucky. They were celebrating their 9th yr anniversary. Melody & Mike were funny. We had a great night. We might go see them tomorrow if they remeber who we are (LOL). Well I'm going to bed now. |
07/17/2007 22:30:54 becky What I Did Today | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
cleaned the bedroom up got all the boxes torned down it took two bag's to fill them up. After Jim got home he slept for alittle bit. Sonny IM Jim and had a conversation with talking to each other though the voice speaker. It was cool. After we got though talking to Sonny we went to get something to eat. We walked several miles around the downtown. We stopped and looked at the building's. Jim took more pictures. Then we ate at a restruant called the Bistro 301. Great food there. Jim had a Hot Brown it was cheese with turkey & some kind of sauce. I had a southwestren chicken sandwich with fresh fruit. On our way back to the apartment we found a skywalk that goes though the Hyatt Regency hotel that has a skywalk that goes to the Fourth Street Live. It was so neat. When we got home the cable was out for about 5 minutes. We are watching Born Supremacy right now. Getting ready to get in bed it's almost a 11pm. ![]() |
07/15/2007 18:42:27 becky Went Camping At Holiday Park | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
We bought two chairs for the living room. We used them for camping. It was alot of fun. I drove a golf cart. We met Rod & his wife Resee at the camp ground called Rudalph lake. We played a game called Corn-In-A-Hole then played some minuture golf. We had hamburgers & hot dogs, baked bean's with corn on the cob. The weather was very nice. Two people asked about the chair's. Where did you get them. We told them Target. Rod fixed us breakfast this morning. That was very sweet of him. I tried to help Resee with the food but she would'nt let me. She is a nice lady. We got back to the apartment at 3:30. I had a great time. Jim was very tired he fell a sleep when we got back. |
07/11/2007 22:21:37 becky Concert Down At The 4th Street Live | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Jim & I were going to go to the store. When we went to the truck we saw alot of cars parked in the parking lot. Found out there was a concert. The band was great! We ate at TG Friday's. They have restruants on 4Th Street Live. I like how the girl's here dress up in their dresses. Some of the dresses I've seen were like country style very cute. We just got cable and the internet today. Moved into the Kentucky Towers last Friday. It's a cute apartment. The people here are nice to you. We bought an air bed to sleep on. It looks almost like a swimming pool (LOL). It's very comfortable. Last Sunday Jim's friend Rod took us too the Kentucky Derby. It was the last horse race. The horse's were so pretty. Well it's about bed time. Becky going to sleep (snoreing). :) |
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