Becky's Log |
![]() I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan. I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country. We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission. So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too". And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog! Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit. |
07/31/2006 15:49:27 Jim Becky and I are watching the movie | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
We put it in for Dustin and Jennifer. Dustin is playing an endless stream of games. Jennifer is drawing pictures with paint. Its always seemed to work this way. The grownup watch the kids movies. The kids play games. I jumped on Jennifer for complaining about a sandwich Becky made for her. She said, "This egg salad has onions, I hate onions. Ewwe.". I jumped in and told her that she was showing terrible manners. When someone cooks for you, and serves you, you should never complain about their kindness. I told her she should have learned this when she was much younger. She apologized and ate the egg salad sandwich. |
07/31/2006 14:33:40 Jim I backed out of the Big Bear trip | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Sonny backed out. He said because his daughter ran away, but she lives with her mom. My breathing is currently a disability. I didn't sleep much. I wouldn't be much help setting up camp. All in all, the trip wasn't going to turn out to be much fun, especially for me. We'll reschedule if and when my lungs clear up. |
07/31/2006 05:32:02 Jim Were going camping for 2 nights at Big Bear | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I asked Dustin what he was bringing. He said, "4 pairs of clothes, 4 pairs of pajamas, 4 pairs of underwear, and a nightlight.". I told him we're only staying two nights, so, why 4 pairs of clothes, underwear and pajamas. He said one for today, and one for when we get back. Dustin said he brought the night light, so I wouldn't need a lantern. I asked him if it plugs into the wall. He said "yes". I told him we'll be in tents. He said..."oh"... I'm still trying to get over him bringing pajamas. Dustin brought this really nice cross country backback. ![]() He said from his Boy Scout leaders, but they're not leaders anymore because they're lazy. I asked him who actually gave it to him. He said, "Well, my friend Sebastion did". Then I asked, "So your going to have to give it back to him?". He said "No. I accidentally left it over at his house, so he gave it back to me". So I asked him, "So, where did you actually first get it?". He said, "In a warehouse that was full of stuff. The Boy Scout leaders gave it to him, then they got fired". I may never know where Dustin got his $300 backpack from. Dustin and Jennifer stayed over. Dustin was actually pretty good, and Jennifer, as always, was great! |
07/30/2006 23:50:36 Jim Went to Renees Hope Chest party | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Several people came by. GMa really did a great job with the decorations. My breathing was terrible and GMa was very accomodating. She put me on a nebulizer, then beat my back to break up the flim. She was absolutely wonderful. |
07/29/2006 22:49:01 Jim Sonnys backing out of the Big Bear trip. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
I kind of thought he would. He gets off at 7am on Monday morning and he's usually beat. I told him he could sleep in the back of the truck during the 3 hour trip. But ya know, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep. I don't blame him for ditching the trip. However, it is sad that for him, this will be just another weekend gone by. Most people only get 4,000 weekends during their life time. For us, it will be a weekend that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. |
07/29/2006 19:00:00 Jim Helped Robert. Chatted with several people. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Took Robert to the dentist. It was the same dentist who said if Robert had his abscessed tooth pulled, all the teeth in front of it would lean backwards. The tooth above it would eventually loosen. I know this is a lie. My teeth aren't leaning. The teeth above my pulled teeth are still there. I'm 50 and still have most of my teeth. I know this is the truth. Robert's dentist wouldn't help him until he openned a checking account. She took money for the office visit. She wanted $2,500 for a root canal on one of his back teeth. Her motive seems obvious. Screw Robert and his financial situation. She told canned stories to make money. Becky, Robert, Chrissy, Ida, and myself joined in a group IM It was cool! I really like messenger. |
07/29/2006 18:19:34 Jim What a difference a decent cigarette makes | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
I switched from Opals to Mistys when I went fo Florida and my asthma went away. Mistys are higher quality than Opals. I switched back to Opals after coming to Vegas and my asthma came back. Now that I've pinned the cause and am smoking Mistys, my breathing has already improved. Now, I know, I should quit. But I've heard a lot of things said about smoking that can't be true. Cancer, for instance. The only person to have died in my family from cancer, did not smoke. Matter of fact, she's one of the few people in my family that didn't smoke. My grandfather died at 93. All I know is what I see. What I've seen is not what I've heard. I make up my own mind. People who don't smoke think smokers are disgusting addicts, but we smokers actually enjoy the habit. I personally despise the oppression and propaganda from a country that promotes corn syrup, red meat, fried foods, alcohol, nitrates, food coloring and other consumables known to cause premature death. This country promotes fuels that cause green house gases. So, I smoke. Its the only rebellious thing I do. I'm just happy I know whats causing my breathing difficulties, and it isn't Las Vegas. So, I can stay here. |
07/29/2006 14:09:55 Jim Im not worthy, oh great one | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
I pride my self on my ability to fix just about anything. Well, I've messed up the diagnostic reasoning on myself. Diagnosing any problem, should include the primary question: What changed? I assumed the following: - I was breathing poorly when I left Las Vegas - It cleared up in Orlando - I'm breathing poorly now. - Hence, Vegas must be the problem. I forgot a few variables. - I barely drank in Orlando. - We changed brands of cigarettes from Opal to Misty My breathing problems began outside of Las Vegas, however, we switched to Opals in Laughlin. My analysis of the problem is severly flawed. I assumed have chronic bronchitis (fatal in 10 years), asthma, allergies to desert pollen and dust. Stupid me, it could be the toxins in Opal cigarettes. I know I should quit. But I've been smoking since I was 15. Why would it hit me like a ton of bricks, right after moving? See, my logic has holes in it. |
07/28/2006 22:30:06 Jim Lightning strikes a propane facility in Vegas | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
The explosion went up 300 feet, and burned throughout the next day. They said the lightning came from 10 miles away. The storm had winds of 70 MPH, and nickel sized hail. |
07/26/2006 05:47:10 Jim I really liked Renees responses the other night | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I asked Renee "How long did it take to put the streaks in your hair?". She said, "I don't know. Someone else did it". \Later on, she said "Hey! I really like your purse, Mom". Then she started taking everything out of it... Then she was on the phone and asked me "What do you call a sheep's boss". I said "A shepperd, like Chuck Shepperd, your old boyfriend?" Blonde moments are fun. |
07/25/2006 22:58:43 Jim Ate Soul Food! | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Took Robert around the first part of the day. Robert needed a ride to cash his check and deposit it in the bank. Its seems they're always scraping the bottom of their piggy bank. Ate soul food at a restaurant on Charleston and Valley View I had ribs, Sonny had catfish, Becky had fried pork chops. A little pricey, but, YUM! |
07/24/2006 07:08:17 Jim What we learn today may change our lives. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I'm going to contact Brian Grady (a realtor who I've done business with) about renting the condo. But, this mission is two fold. I'm going to ask him about travelling notaries. I'm considering a job in Columbus, Georgia that pays $90,000 a year. A house there cost only $90,000. The cost of living there is cheap, so most of the money I'd make would go into investments. If I took it, I'm going to offer GMa and the kids a choice Come with us, or stay behind. "In custody disputes between a natural parent and a nonparent, the law presumes the best interest of the child will be served when in the custody of the natural parent." If I don't take it, I'll end up in a new career. My options for employment are getting limited with my age. If, after talking to Brian, I find out there's a good future in being a Travelling Notary, then I'll try it here for awhile. If the money is good, I'm going to want to move for health reasons. I suppose either way, there's going to be a showdown with your Mom. |
07/26/2006 03:53:13 Jim (Reply).What we learn today may change our lives. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I couldn't see Brian Grady either Monday or Tuesday. My breathing is too labored. It would be dumb for me to hit him up for work when I can barely speak a complete sentence. Its a forkin sheety hello of a darned carpy beach! |
07/23/2006 12:36:16 Jim Jealousy | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Jealousy is typically used to describe the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival. Very possibly, no good has ever come from jealousy. If a person is jealous of another, problems occur, possibly destroying the relationship in its entirety. I believe jealousy is a very self destructive and foolish emotion. So, why do people have the emotion? Insecurity in their relationship with another? Hmmm. Fathom this...if jealousy is foolish, and God is a jealous god Then is God foolish. The Bible it says, who so ever call another a fool, shall surely burn in hell. So, does that mean, if I said God is foolish, that I'm going to hell for being logical. If so, then logically, no one in school should learn logic. LOL. |
07/20/2006 16:32:36 Jim We got haircuts today. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Mine was getting WAY long in the back. I kind of thought it looked cool...BUT the world is what it is, and if I'm going back to work, I'm going to have to play the part. Becky, your hair looks great! |
07/20/2006 04:37:08 Jim Do not trust anyone | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I got up, wide awake, and saw Robert online. His profile said, Don't Trust Anyone. I asked him about it. Robert said he was kicked out of GMas. He'd gotten into an argument with her, or it sounds like she got into one with him. It was about us. He said GMa was going to go after Becky for child support. Apparently, we are wrecking her plans by not calling her and telling her we are here. She wants to move into a condo with Paul and she wants to dump Becky's kids on us. She's told us repeatedly she would never give up custody, so, she wants the money without the hastle. Since Paul and GMa kicked Becky out, took her last check, kept her kids away from her, and got Becky buried in Family Court (for greed and desire), neither one can be trusted as friends. Becky even owes $250 to Family Court for one of the months the kids lived with us. She owes thousands of dollars by now, to the State of Nevada for Safe Key. To untangle that mess, it would cost us $5,000. I think Paul and GMa can lay in the bed they made for themselves. All that aside, Becky and I drove over to Roberts and brought him two jack stands. Its always nice talking with Robert. I apologized for our causing problems between him and GMa. The last thing I want to do in this life is to cause problems. I am a fixer of things, not a problem causer. The thing is, we haven't done anything to hurt anyone. I'm saddened. Becky has cried for the lack of love and support she gets from GMa and her brother. Dustin just |
07/19/2006 15:34:54 Jim New York New York. Monday, at midnight | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Vegas is amazing! |
07/19/2006 15:24:31 Jim Added some rainy day pictures to Vegas | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
We topped things off at the Rain Forest Cafe. |
07/17/2006 17:07:10 Jim That guy was right about BBQs | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Why do people light their charcoal briquettes to BBQ here in the summer? You don't need to light the briquettes, here, at all. All you have to do is throw a couple of steaks on the hood of your car and they'll be well done in 5 minutes. I may have to try that...haha. |
07/17/2006 17:02:06 Jim Spending lazy days in a very cool house | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Mr Weather say's its 109 outside, but my wireless thermometer majiggy says its more like 113.
07/15/2006 05:54:11 Jim Forget and Forgive | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Isn't that what they say to do? Wouldn't it be great if we were all that stupid? |
07/11/2006 19:56:55 Jim Dined at the Firelight Buffet | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Reasonable prices and excellent food. I really liked the Thai beef salad. Yum. Becky liked their salad...hehe. That Atrium at Sam's Town is so special. Its so nice to go to a ittle fantasy world, and its only 10 minutes away. |
07/09/2006 14:28:40 Jim We did not see Robert and Joy today | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I have that guilt to bear. But I'll make it up to them. They are my favorite people. |
07/09/2006 13:53:45 becky Another Day | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
It's Sunday The Condo is about done. As soon as Jim gets better we can get back to the Condo. Hoping we can get the Condo rented in 2 week's. I don't know if Robert & Joy will be getting married on the 22 of this month. They say they are. I'm not in term's with my mother. She expects Jim & I to call her. I feel that she is up to no good. I don't think I can trust her. It will be hard seeing my kid's again. I miss Jennifer most of all. I really don't know truth of the story of whether or not my mother & Paul came down our street and saw us and the truck in the driveway hmm?. I guess I'm getting my feeling's out today. Everything has changed so much since we have gotten back. I love you so much Jim. Love Becky |
07/09/2006 13:49:13 Jim Man, ITS SO HOT in VEGAS! | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I feel bad. Not only because I drank this holiday, but because my hangovers last for days and I shouldn't go anywhere. I feel guilty. Because there's people who want my help, and I don't give it during this period, its simply too risky. And, I suppose, I'll get drunk again 3 months from now, unless it finally sinks into my brain that those days are over. Vegas makes partying too easy. If its not the heat, its the attitude of this town. One of the reasons I liked Florida... was there wasn't people partying on every block. You had to drive miles just to find a bar. The only places we saw people drinking outdoors was Disneyworld and Universal Studios. It just wasn't that kind of town. We'll be out of here by September. I just can't live here. Its too unhealthy. |
07/07/2006 06:50:52 Jim I love you so MUCH! | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
07/06/2006 09:13:36 Jim Its been almost 5 years of my blog activity | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Nobody else that I know has kept these kind of records of their life. I started it all as a memorial to it been that long? I miss him. |
07/05/2006 08:41:28 Jim Talked to Newberry yesterday | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
He said Leavelle is now living in Dallas. Leavelle didn't tell me. |
07/05/2006 08:31:43 Jim Ive got Becky, Ive got Sonny | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I've got a world. To me, this is everything I've ever wanted. It is my universe. |
07/05/2006 08:19:23 Jim At fifty years old...I gotta say | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Life has been everything I wanted. I can't exactly go into it...but life is good! |
07/05/2006 08:10:52 Jim Now as far as July 4s go | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
We had a blast....I really don't care what other people did. We indulged on crab bisque, we enjoyed life to the fullest. I partied too much though. Whoops. That's twice in one month. I've got to watch out for that. It was fun to let go though. |
07/05/2006 08:07:19 Jim I like that song...every day is a winding road.. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
We get a little bit closer... |
07/05/2006 08:02:30 Jim No calls...but we had fun last night | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
The neighborhood rocked with what personality it has left. It was a lot of fun. Me...I'm hungover. I indulged myself. |
07/04/2006 16:00:00 becky Lake Las Vegas-MonteLago Village | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Fireworks at 9 p.m. More Info: 564-4766 American-style BBQ, live jazz on the events plaza and fireworks followed by a party in Casino Montelago. |
07/04/2006 08:34:33 Jim No calls from the kids. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Aint that the way it goes? sad. We may call. They'll respond as if it were a canned test. How are you? Okay. How's school? Okay. Do you have a boyfriend now? Kind of. Its all hearse. And we're in the middle of it. |
07/04/2006 04:12:58 Jim Been to Montelago in a truck with no name | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
It was excellent. The sound stage was great. Christopher Cross and America were GREAT! Neil Young even sang Horse with No Name. It couldn't have been more perfect. AND...the fireworks display was completely awesome. Becky and Sonny went off to get some refreshments and they didn't show back up for 30 minutes. Becky's cell phone, as usual, wasn't working. |
07/03/2006 16:45:28 Jim Becky and I added Arizona pictures | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I am so proud of her. She did a GREAT job. |
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