Becky's Log
Hi, I'm Becky. Welcome to my Blog.
I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan.
I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country.
We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission.
So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too".
And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog!
Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit.
<< 07/2005 < 05/2006 Calendar 08/2006 > 07/2007 >>Sign InView Other Logs
06/30/2006 22:01:28
 Jim  We went to Monte Lago Village and saw Jazz
We also bought tickets to the Monday night show with America/Chris Cross. Saved a bunch.
Monte Lago Village had:
An outdoor Jazz Festival by the lake (bring your own blanket and cooler). They do it every Friday night.
The Checkmates were playing inside. It was great to see a bunch of grey hairs line dancing to Barry White music.
Two other bands, one at an Irish Pub, the other next to the Ritz Hotel.
Robert called me to tell me about a fire on the northern mountains.
I was surprised, because I'd already noticed it. Matter of fact, I took pictures of it.
06/30/2006 00:31:39
 Jim  Hung a fan. Made some Flan
Made some FLAN...I love FLAN...I like to say FLAN, FLAN, FLAN.
Flan rhymes with FAN, too.
06/25/2006 15:13:59
 Jim  Hey Becky...check it out
This is looking so cool. If you hover over a calendar day, it tells you what happened on that day (from your log).
06/25/2006 00:19:31
 Jim  Check this out
06/24/2006 14:21:13
 becky  I like the website
I think you have done an excellent job on this website!!!!!!!.
I like the color's it bring's out the picture's.

Love Ya
06/24/2006 14:18:07
 Jim  How do you like my new layout?
With these ads...we've already earned $
All we need is another 1,000 people on here.
06/20/2006 00:30:46
 Jim  Baby, I want you!
06/20/2006 00:29:53
 Jim  Hey Babe...check this out!
06/16/2006 12:44:28
 Jim  The man with the healing eyes - from dad.
July 2005 IssueRollie Hillesland. Call 1-701-306-2525, pay him $500, and he'll heal all your ailments.
He bumped his head in an accident. Now he can cure people.
Thats funny, cause I usually have to resort to hitting something to make it work. Take my TV for instance, well one of my old ones, hitting it usually clears up the picture. Forget about all those confusing knobs and dial thingies. Just hit it! See dog is jumping on my leg barking, wanting to play. I can just hit him, and he'll do the right thing and lie down.
But, Rollie can now make body's heal through a frequencies,
like the ones used by Royal Raymond Rife (who invented the worlds most powerful microscope, the univeral microscope, in 1932, and could heal things with light frequencies).
But lets talk about this Royal Raymond Rife guy and his amazing cure all machine.
It was supposed to cure ALL ailments, cancer included. However, the American Medical Association came in, destroyed the machine and all of his notes, cuz they are SO STUPID. They didn't, like, aim it at themselves before axing it to pieces, cuz they are SO STUPID. They didn't save it. They didn't copy his notes. Nope, those guys want to die painful deaths, knowing they destroyed the cure for their sicknesses. That's because they, not the story about Rife, are SO STUPID.
The world is a very mystical place to some people, I guess.
I'm amazed at the beautiful simplicity of this universe and I often wonder why other people don't see what I see.
Shucks, I'm still awestruck by a blade of grass. I wonder why people think the pyramids were built by UFO's.
06/14/2006 12:15:35
 Jim  Becky WON!!!

See Becky
06/09/2006 23:10:12
 Jim  Great lightning show!
Did you like that last night babe?
I really enjoyed it. I love that ozony air smell.
06/08/2006 18:21:35
 Jim  Bought a camera - Olympus Stylus 710
Nice little camera. I don't know much about it yet, but it takes great indoor shots without a flash.
It also does stitching, but, I need a web reader to display it decently.
Also bought Underworld Evolution.
It was pretty good.
06/06/2006 19:11:53
 Jim  Bought an Olympus Stylus 710 today
Its a very nice little camera with a great price. I like it's low light sensitivity.
Also, picked up Underworld-Evolution.
It was good. The plot seemed kind of thin, but there was lots of action.
Nevada Power never showed up.
06/05/2006 20:33:10
 Jim  Talked to Beckys people today.
Talked for a minute, but she had to cook dinner. When she came back on later, she said she ran out of things to say.
Said he liked the San Diego Zoo. He liked the Gorilla a lot, but he got his ball stuck under a rock.
She's doing GREAT in school. Guess thats why she's being pulled out for home school.
She's curious about how we're doing, but still has never asked for our address. I don't think any of them have.
06/03/2006 07:42:16
 Jim  GMornin. Thanks for all your help!
Hehe...I liked what Renee keeps putting into myspace...
Glitter Graphics,  Myspace Codes,  Myspace Layouts,  Myspace Glitter,  Myspace Graphics,  Dress Up Games,  Cartoon Dolls from
Hey...we can do that too!!! Yeehaaaa.
06/02/2006 18:40:43
 becky  Dinner
Thank you for dinner babe? It was very good!!
Sry for spilling your coffie in the paint.

Love You
05/08/2006 04:12:35
 Jim  Hope you feel better today.
I can't get sympathy if everyone feels bad...hahaha.
I love you SO Much...

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