Becky's Log |
![]() I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan. I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country. We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission. So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too". And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog! Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit. |
04/15/2004 08:41:15 jim Now that was sweet. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Now that was sweet. Becky I love you with all of my heart. Don't be sorry about anything. Code everything in its own color and file it away. |
04/15/2004 08:35:41 Becky I hope I havent disappointed you for loseing my j | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Hey Babe Sorry about this mornigng. I care for you very much. You are most important to me. Where ever you go I will be with you. I hope I haven't disappointed you for loseing my job? I know thing's will work out for us. I love you very very much. Hugs & Kisses Becky |
03/31/2004 14:32:49 Becky Its Jims Birthday today. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Happy Birthday My love. |
03/07/2004 18:53:19 Becky Sorry about yesterday morning | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Hi there babe. I read your email. Sorry about yesterday morning. I wasn't thinking the right way about thing's. I miss the little one's. Love you kiss and Hugs. :) |
02/12/2004 08:38:07 Becky Good Morning Jim | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
We talked on the phone last night it was after 10pm. I will be calling you at 9am today. I have an appointment at Neveda Partner's at 11am. The wind is blowing like crazy over here this morning it's 8:35am. Luv Ya becky |
02/11/2004 10:34:07 Becky Good Morning babe. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I read your messeges I'm glad that u had fun visting Sonny he is a great guy. Love U Becky |
02/10/2004 10:13:48 Becky Good Morning Babe | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I had to update my window's I had 17 critical error's. so I updated my widow's to derectx.9.0 spent 53 mintues downloading. But the good thing about this is that my window's are working alot faster. Yea!!!!!! Kiss'es |
02/10/2004 00:00:00 jim Thanks Becky! | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I'm glad you updated your widow's with DerectX. lol. |
02/09/2004 19:11:40 jim Since Msn Messenger is down... | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Becky! Since Msn Messenger is down...we can use this area to figure out where to meet to play pool...kpish? |
02/08/2004 23:04:15 Becky Hi there lover. | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Want to play with me? What would u like to play? |
02/08/2004 22:59:08 jim Chat Room? | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Hey babe...this Note area could be a chat room if it reloaded every second!!!! |
02/08/2004 18:55:17 jim Hey Becky! If you are there? | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I bought Pirates of the Caribbean tonight! You and your kids should watch it over! |
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