Becky's Log |
![]() I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan. I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country. We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission. So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too". And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog! Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit. |
11/02/2006 09:20:56 Jim Stopped by the Stardust last night | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Its all lit up. If it wasn't for the lack of people, you wouldn't even know its shut down. The Strip is always an interesting place to cruise on chilly nights. It was in the 50's and people are wearing short sleeve shirts, even in convertables. |
10/28/2006 18:16:34 Jim We are watching Click | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Its a story about a guy who has a remote that lets him fast forward, reverse, play and pause any part of his life. What a weird concept! I want to write a book called OverWear It's about a guy who, when he wears other peoples underwear, he becomes them. The story line could go like: - He puts on his wifes underwear and becomes her, then meets her secret lover. Then he takes off his wife's underwear while in bed, and becomes himself again. - He tries on his bosses underwear, and gives himself a raise! - He wears his wife's underwear, and goes to her gym! Now there's an Adam Sandler movie for you! This idea probably took as much thought as "Click". |
10/26/2006 10:15:01 Jim Cold Season is here - tried Airborne. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Gotta a cold. Trying an OTC called "Airborne", highly recommended by GMa. Talked to Ida this morning, she just got over her cold. Jennifer had a cold last weekend. Guess its going all around. |
10/25/2006 23:57:19 Jim Joes Crab Shack - A Paul BDay Dinner 4 6 | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Becky and I went to Joes Crab Shack waiting for Paul and GMa to join us. While waiting we ordered an appetizer (lobster and crab dip)...YUM. 45 minutes late, Paul, Gma, Renee and Jonathon joined us...but by then, I was semi-full (cuz I wolfed the dip). Anyway, I ordered a Fishermans Platter, which I took home in a doggy box. I told Sonny he could eat it when I got home. He left me $17 on my desk for it in the The result of the night: - I paid $60 for dinner, which is GREAT, -We had a very nice time, -Sonny ate my left overs and should catch my cold, oops. On the way home The Tennants squared up the rent, finally. We stopped by GMas and ate a BDay cake. It had a headstone on it that read "Over the Hill. Too Old to Count". While there, we talked a lot, and had quite a few laughs. Another good day has gone by. |
10/23/2006 10:59:44 becky Berried Delight Recipe | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
1 1/2 cups - graham crackers crumbs 1/4 cup- sugar 1/3 cup - butter or margine, melted 1 8 oz package - of cream cheese, softed 2 tablespoons - milk 3 1/2 cups - cool whip 2 -pints strawberries, hulled & halved 1 can (20-oz) crushed pineapple 3 - bananas sliced 2 - packages (4 serving size) jello vanilla flavor - instant pudding 3 1/2 -cups cold milk combine crumbs, 1/4 cups sugar and melted butter. press firmly into bottom of 13x 9 inch pan chill. beat cream cheese with -1/4 sugar and 2 tablespoons of milk until smooth. fold in half of the whip topping. spread over crust then arrange bananas, pineapple, & strawberries in a even layer using 3 1/2 cups cold milk, prepare pudding as directed on package, pour over berries. chill several hours or over night. shortly before serving spread remaining whipped topping over pudding. Garnish with additional strawberries, if desired, chill. |
10/21/2006 11:24:20 Jim Ancestrial Relationships Chart | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
10/21/2006 09:38:59 Jim The Concept of Easy Money | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
I believe people doom themselves once they start believing a magic pill, phrase, or symbolic action will fix all of their problems. People get rich, in many ways, just by pure chance. If a megabucks slot machine pays someone $3,000,000, it has paid out 1 million to 1 for the investment. It would be ridiculous to write a book on "How to win at Megabucks". I know at least three people who have lost fortunes chasing get-rich-quick schemes: One friend with his ski-bike; my Dad and a friend with their options and futures trading. I would hope that people achieve wealth by working hard and paying close attention to their business's details. My Dad and my Uncle are a good example of how well people learn in this life. The Polarity between these two is astounding. My Dad played his get rich quick schemes throughout his lifetime. Dad thought he cound find the secrets to long life, rapid wealth, and spiritual happiness. He held disdain for the religious and the wealthy. As a result, we grew up poor. Dad's logic was flawed. He hated rich people while wanting to become one. My Uncle got rich through hard work. He went with the flow and learned from the wealthy. As a result, his kids grew up and received the education they needed to succeed. Stocks and Bonds do make money Its what they net after inflation and expenses that count. If there was an easy investment scheme that payed even 10% , the economy would buckle. The rich would be doing it and this would be a country with no middle class. Imagine, never doing anything more for the rest of your life, by using an investment scheme. We hear from the winners in stocks while the losers remain quiet. Why do people like Donald Trump keep building their wealth? Because he enjoys it. I doubt that wealth cannot sustain itself without action. |
10/21/2006 03:45:36 Jim I gotta say something good about my Dad | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Dad built himself a beautiful house. Dad said he built it for us. He left his life insurance to his wife. That was the right thing to do. Dad burned us, though. -Dad burned Sonny on the house that was paid off with an accident settlement. The money should have been put in a trust, but instead, it paid off the shack we grew up in (with 5 acres of land). He got Sonny to Quit Claim to him after Sonny turned 21. In effect, he used the money from Sonny's accident settlement to build the house above. Sonny felt he didn't deserve the house, may be, may be not, but it was rightfull his. Dad took advantage of Sonny's feelings on this. He didn't even put Sonny's name on the new house as a coowner. -Dad burned Linda with her newborn baby by kicking her out. -Dad burned me by lying to me, threatening to sue me during the worst time in my life and talking behind my back. I went on to ignore him for years. Then he borrowed on it to build himself a ice cream shop in a failing mall. When he lost his house and ice cream shop: -He went on to live in his wife's son house. -He went on to talk about his will which he never filed. -He went on to talk about his big life insurance policy for Sonny, which he fumbled. I realize none of the above sounds good...but good did come out of Dad Dad gave me a goal. He was my mentor is a non-traditional way. As a kid, I swore I would never pick up his bad traits. I'm the only one to finish college, work my way up to having my own corporation. I've had two houses for over 21 years. I didn't get my inspiration from Dad. I got it from my Step-Dad who was a great guy. My Step Dad and my Mom were my best friends in this life. Dad was ripped off in life, I suppose. He never quite made anything of himself. I hope he gets a chance to do-it-all-over. Its possible, I suppose. |
10/20/2006 18:08:54 Jim Jennifer and Dustin are staying over. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
We tried to play frisbee golf at Freedom Park, but someone rented the public park again. We couldn't even feed the ducks. So sad people can rent a park and charge admission. Right now, we're cooking Stuffed peppers with a side of meatloaf...its a meat lover's night in! |
10/19/2006 18:11:36 Jim Saw a CPA today | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Ryerson Smith 4455 S Pecos #B; Las Vegas, NV 89121 Call: 702-878-4809, Fax: 446-8261 Email: He'll be my resident agent. Plus, he's going to help me with these nasty forms. It's been 10 years since I've incorporated. |
10/19/2006 09:10:16 Jim Turned the heat on for the 1st time | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
The outdoor thermometer said 44 degrees! wow
10/17/2006 20:44:40 Jim Beckyism: Doc Holiday died from Psoriasis | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I think she meant cirrhosis, but I think he died from tuberculosis. |
10/15/2006 12:56:06 Jim Its nice that he is receiving and not deceiving | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Jennifer said that about Jonathon. Looking confused, I asked her "Do you mean he we won't be receiving your Grand mom's help because he's getting a job, and he's not lying about getting a job?". She said, "No, I don't know what that means. Ask Grandma.". I asked her, "Does it mean he's receiving Christ's ghost or something religious like that?". She said, "No, he's receiving information, I guess.". I said, "So, he's receiving information about a job, and not lying to them?". I know...I'm trying to make sense out of things that don't make sense. A talent I have got to learned is how to look like I'm listening, when I'm not. |
10/09/2006 09:54:40 Jim Dustin is his mothers opposite. Why? | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
While at the mall, Dustin did and said things that amazed me: - He told me how I could get away with not working while working at a job He said, scribble some stuff on a paper, then go to sleep on it. I said, why would you think like that? Why wouldn't you just do your job? - He pushed me I pulled him, he fell down. Then I scolded him about pushing, poking, and hitting things. - He said, if I knew karate, I could flip you. I told him nope. You're too small. The bigger animal usually wins a fight. I asked him, why would want to hurt me? He said, I just said it because I could. I said WHY? I've taken you to the Forum Shops, a park, bought you drinks, driven you up the Strip. I took you to a mountainside and a raginig desert wash today. He said, I don't know. I just said it. I don't understand why he thinks like he does. He didn't get it from you Becky. You are a hard worker, you are honest and you never hurt things. He seems to be your opposite. Wow. |
10/08/2006 21:51:24 Jim Dinner at GMas, and it wasnt a battle cruiser eit | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I really enjoyed the steak dinner with Paul, Gma, Renee, and your kid. It was nice. And its been a lot of fun talking to your GMa. I keep my promises, babe. We'll send Gma on a (battle) cruiser. If we do 2 loans for a days a five day week, we've reached my goals. I know you didn't say battle cruiser when you were talking about it. I misheard you. But, it was a funny thought! Send GMa on a Battle Cruise ship...Look Out World! haha If we can do that with loans, or (can make $2,000 in one week) we've reached one of my goals. My goal was to make more money than I could programming computers, and make it so the business could be passed along. If we can make $2k a week doing notaries, and you could handle the business with very little of my help, then I've done it!!! I'll have left a legacy. LVDude failed. The A/C precooler failed. |
10/08/2006 20:47:50 Jim I got up this morning, and Jennifer told me Becky | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I asked her, how do you know that? She said Becky said she could use it to play games on. Becky said she didn't. Anyway, Jennifer said she didn't move it, and she did, because she unplugged it. To make matter worse, Dustin must have tried to fix it, by unplugging the cable modem and/or the router. At any rate, I had to reload the router, and make sure everything else worked. It took an hour. I'm really tired of fixing these computers after the kids leave. We're going to need what we have left. I'm tired of the lying too. |
10/08/2006 20:45:51 becky I had fun today | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Hi Mom Thank you so much for dinner it was very good. I liked the exspression on your face when I gave you the flowers. Jim and I had a great time with talking to you tonight. It was a great having the kid's last night it was alot of fun going places. I love you Becky :) |
10/09/2006 18:16:52 Ruth1941 (Reply).I had fun today | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
i had fun to. inernet has been down all day but paul just fixed it. its nice to laugh it sure helps jim you are so funny |
10/08/2006 20:39:57 Jim Taught Dustin to Shampoo Carpets | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
He'd spilled some cola on the carpet, but was just going to forget about it. I noticed the spot, and asked him about it. He said, well, I thought I'd get around to it later. Sheesh. I told him, if he let it dry, it would take Becky and me an hour to get the huge stain out. I told him, he could shampoo it out in five minutes...if he didn't want to be a slob. We got the shampooer out, and I showed him how to do it. He did more than his stain, he did Jennifer's stains too (which she denied making).. BTW - The couch couldn't look any nastier. Jennife must have spilled a coke on it...looks like half a coke. All I can say is...NASTY!!!! |
10/05/2006 01:28:58 Jim Heaven and Hell. All in 5 minutes | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
While we were travelling to your Mom's house for your birthday party, we stopped at a left turn light. We had the top down and your hair wasn't tied. The girl in the next car said, 'Honey, your hair is going to be in knots'. Then she tossed us a hair tie. What a sweetheart. In the car behind her was a family. The mother was crying, head in her husbands (the driver) chest. In back were two distraught looking kids. I wonder, how we can all live in this world, and yet have so many worlds between us. I saw generousity and dispair, 20 feet apart, at a stop light. |
10/04/2006 16:16:44 joy happy bday | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
happy birthday mom |
10/04/2006 10:01:29 Jim Its your Birthday today!!! | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
10/04/2006 11:27:45 SAE (Reply).Its your Birthday today!!! | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Happy Birthday to Rebecky. Happy Birthday to Rebecky. |
10/04/2006 11:29:14 Jim (Reply)..Its your Birthday today!!! | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I gave her 45 really hard licks. Then one to grow on! |
10/02/2006 20:21:47 Jim Got BEQUICK Plates | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Got the Mustang squared away (except for an oil change). Removed and repaired the drivers power seat. Purchased extra fuses and tools for $20. Got the Green Slip, and the plates "BEQUICK" ordered for $120. Got two extra keys made from Ford for $150. It pretty much took all day...sheesh. So far, I've learned a lot about the modern day engines just by using a manual, OBD II reader and some common sense. Oh, hahaha, also, getting $54 from LVDude. Thats kind of nice. Thanks everybody!!! |
09/30/2006 10:47:34 Jim I bought a OBD II software set yesterday | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
At you may be wondering, What the heck is an OBD II? Well, it is the latest standard since 1996, for the plug that reads a cars ECR chip. I think I got that right. Its the same connection used at the smog check stations. The software it fascinating. |
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