Becky's Log
Hi, I'm Becky. Welcome to my Blog.
I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan.
I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country.
We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission.
So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too".
And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog!
Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit.
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10/31/2005 16:01:41
 becky  Happy Halloween Babe
3D Spooky Halloween
Have a spooky good time.
10/31/2005 09:07:18
 becky  Happy Halloween
Hi Robert
I read your blog it was sweet. We miss you very much.
I had a great time in Daytona Beach. Jim's aunt was
very nice to us. So you are looking for a car or a
truck? What are you doing for Halloween? I got
a e-mail from Renee. It was nice to hear from her.
I know what it's like taking the bus.  I had to do that
for a long time. I hated that too. I'm going to look on
line and see what we can do tonight for Halloween.

Love You
p1159.gif (40393 bytes)
10/27/2005 15:23:18
 becky  CUTE
I liked the frog it was so cute. I miss you.
What would you like to do for dinner tonight. I will cook here if you want?
Bear Leaning Over Kiss 
Sweet Kisses Babe
10/27/2005 11:15:39
 becky  Hi Babe
Are you coming home for lunch. How is your day going? 

Love Ya

10/26/2005 22:00:34
 becky  Happy Halloween
It's dracuala or is it a Batman? 
This was cute. Hope you like it?

                              Love Bexky
10/26/2005 14:25:06
 becky  To My Love

This is cool 
10/26/2005 14:12:00
 becky  Babe
Look at your log

10/26/2005 14:10:41
 becky  Here’s A Rainbow
You Brighten up my life Babe.
Rainbow Twirl Pink Triangle                       
Thank you for lunch today it was good. I'm watching 
Got Mail Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan.  


10/26/2005 09:05:32
 Jim  Good Morning Sweet Thang!
10/26/2005 09:02:20
 Jim  When I came in this morning, I walked in behind Je
She's the dominating person I'm having troubles with here. She was carrying in a 12 pack of water.
Just to be polite I said
"I wonder if anyone in the 50's or 60's every thought that in the year 2000, people would be buying drinking water".
She didn't say a word. She just kind of half smiled and walked away.

I feel like I'm on Pluto and the Plutonians don't respond well to manners.


10/21/2005 22:02:24
 becky  Thank you
To my sweetheart thank you for dinner.It was
very good. In away I'm glad you are quitting
the Job. I know that you have more knowledge
then these people do at M2. I know that we can
work on better thing's to do. What ever you do
i will be right by your side.

            I LOVE MY BABE
10/21/2005 11:50:43
 becky  I’m Back
What would you like for lunch?
10/21/2005 11:38:15
 becky  Yeah Babe
This is such a cool website. I'm going to take
2 trash bag's down to the dumpster. I will be
back before you come home for lunch.

 Love Ya
10/21/2005 10:48:22
 becky  Hi Babe
It felt good to saok in the bathtub. Thank's for your help.

         Love You Lot's Too

10/21/2005 10:05:53
 Jim  My thoughts are this...
If I could sell one website per day...for 60 days,
with each site paying $100 a month (which, by-the-way, is 1/3rd the cost of a small yellow page ad)
I'd be making more money than I'm making now for years to come.
Without ever having to do anything else.
What I'm saying is, I only need savings to hold me over for maybe 4 months.
After that, if everything works well, I'm retired.
Babe, if your out there, please read this...I need your 6 months,
we could live happily any where on this planet.
10/21/2005 10:05:44
 becky  Hey Babe
Will you be coming home for lunch?


10/21/2005 10:01:47
 becky  Hi
Hey babe I just went down stair's to put
the mail in the mail box. I'm going to take
a bath now.

          Love Becky
10/21/2005 09:13:29
 becky  HI THERE
Hi what's up?

10/20/2005 19:29:42
 becky  Hey There Babe
10/20/2005 11:54:33
 becky  Hey Babe
I went to log's clicked on my name and it said
not found error. I checked the other log's they
work but for some reason my did'nt. It works
when i click on my log. The websites on games
work. I noticed also that some of the ads dont
have anything on them did you wipe them out?
I've been trying to find other site's but can't figure
how some of the websites will not let me copy
over to our website? I will see you at lunch.

                  LOVE YA
10/20/2005 08:57:31
 Jim  Becky babe!!!
Hey, do me a favor. Turn the thermostat all the way down.
Mikey was burning up last night too. We need find a good setting for it.
10/17/2005 12:43:02
 becky  Hi Babe
Today I cleaned the apartment. I had fun going to Tampa,
ST Petersburg. It was so wierd at the Hard Rock casino.
They didn't have video poker machines with duces wild.
I had fun seeing all the different places. Orlando is the
prettiest place to live at. I love going places with you.
I'm sorry about yesterday. It was nice hearing your
voice on the phone. Have a good day babe.

             LOVE YA BABE
             KISSES HUGS                  :)
10/12/2005 07:40:55
 Jim  I just gotta say it...Becky, you are the sweetest
I love your eyes and your smile. It's great to be in love with you!
10/11/2005 14:37:04
 Jim  I think if Mike leaves Florida
And I don't get something in Tampa, we should become truck drivers...what do you think?
We could have a little house near Ida...

** Smiles **

10/11/2005 14:35:00
 Jim  Hey Becky...we might lose Mikey...
He's got an interview next Tuesday with a company in San Francisco. Yippee!!!
I think he's going through a headhunter named Kaiser.
10/09/2005 23:19:55
 becky  Talked on the phone
I called my family tonight. Renee is living back home now
she has a foot problem. It was so good to here Jennifer,
Dustin, Renee voice's. I'm so glad that Renee is back home.
Mom said that she felt bad about not telling us that Paul changed
their phone number. I'm getting sleepy nitie nite.
10/09/2005 15:07:22
 Jim  Hi Becky
I'm on the PC, looking RIGHT AT YOU!!!
10/07/2005 13:51:28
 jim  Hey, Becky babe...
Did I tell you today how much I love you?
10/06/2005 08:59:10
 becky  This Is My First Entry
Jim & Jeff (a friend of Mike's) went to find a smoke shop.
We couldn't find one, but we had fun trying to find it. We took Jeff back to his hotel.

Jim & me went to a fast food place called Chick-IL-A.
It was pretty good.
It has rained almost everyday since
we have been here. When we got here we saw 2 Rainbows. They were so pretty.
Jim is going to try to change job's.
He has an enterview next week in Tampa. If he gets this job we will have to move again.
If we move to Tampa
we will have a mover move are stuff.
This apartment is very nice.
Jim took me out to a German restraunt for my Birthday.
Jim was thinking about going to Disney World this weekened
this would be my Birthday present from him. I'm hoping it does'nt

rain to hard. We have had a Tropical storm called Tammy.

10/05/2005 07:22:01
 becky  Mikey got the wireless working...ahhhhhhhh
Feels good to have internet. It him some dinking, but even the instructions say it takes 20 minutes.
We celebrated Becky's 44th birthday last night at a German restaurant
, the food was great!

I couldn't get mine down...same old problem. hmmm. I hate that!
I had to laugh when I thought about it though. We ate in front of the restaurant and they barely had any customers.
I had to barf in the trash can 8 times while trying to eat there food.
I hope nobody saw me, but if they did, I'm sure they wouldn't eat there.

10/01/2005 07:18:54
 jim  I can’t wait I’m tired of living in one hotel room
Ain't you 2 Becky?

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