Becky's Log |
![]() I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan. I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country. We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission. So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too". And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog! Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit. |
10/20/2005 19:29:42 becky Hey There Babe | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
HI |
10/20/2005 11:54:33 becky Hey Babe | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I went to log's clicked on my name and it said not found error. I checked the other log's they work but for some reason my did'nt. It works when i click on my log. The websites on games work. I noticed also that some of the ads dont have anything on them did you wipe them out? I've been trying to find other site's but can't figure how some of the websites will not let me copy over to our website? I will see you at lunch. LOVE YA Becky |
10/20/2005 08:57:31 Jim Becky babe!!! | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Hey, do me a favor. Turn the thermostat all the way down. Mikey was burning up last night too. We need find a good setting for it. |
10/17/2005 12:43:02 becky Hi Babe | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Today I cleaned the apartment. I had fun going to Tampa, ST Petersburg. It was so wierd at the Hard Rock casino. They didn't have video poker machines with duces wild. I had fun seeing all the different places. Orlando is the prettiest place to live at. I love going places with you. I'm sorry about yesterday. It was nice hearing your voice on the phone. Have a good day babe. LOVE YA BABE KISSES HUGS :) |
10/12/2005 07:40:55 Jim I just gotta say it...Becky, you are the sweetest | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I love your eyes and your smile. It's great to be in love with you! |
10/11/2005 14:37:04 Jim I think if Mike leaves Florida | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
And I don't get something in Tampa, we should become truck drivers...what do you think? We could have a little house near Ida... ** Smiles ** |
10/11/2005 14:35:00 Jim Hey Becky...we might lose Mikey... | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
He's got an interview next Tuesday with a company in San Francisco. Yippee!!! I think he's going through a headhunter named Kaiser. |
10/09/2005 23:19:55 becky Talked on the phone | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I called my family tonight. Renee is living back home now she has a foot problem. It was so good to here Jennifer, Dustin, Renee voice's. I'm so glad that Renee is back home. Mom said that she felt bad about not telling us that Paul changed their phone number. I'm getting sleepy nitie nite. |
10/09/2005 15:07:22 Jim Hi Becky | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I'm on the PC, looking RIGHT AT YOU!!! |
10/07/2005 13:51:28 jim Hey, Becky babe... | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Did I tell you today how much I love you? I LOVE YOU!!! |
10/06/2005 08:59:10 becky This Is My First Entry | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Jim & Jeff (a friend of Mike's) went to find a smoke shop. We couldn't find one, but we had fun trying to find it. We took Jeff back to his hotel. Jim & me went to a fast food place called Chick-IL-A. It was pretty good. It has rained almost everyday since we have been here. When we got here we saw 2 Rainbows. They were so pretty. Jim is going to try to change job's. He has an enterview next week in Tampa. If he gets this job we will have to move again. If we move to Tampa we will have a mover move are stuff. This apartment is very nice. Jim took me out to a German restraunt for my Birthday. Jim was thinking about going to Disney World this weekened this would be my Birthday present from him. I'm hoping it does'nt rain to hard. We have had a Tropical storm called Tammy. |
10/05/2005 07:22:01 becky Mikey got the wireless working...ahhhhhhhh | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Feels good to have internet.
It him some dinking, but even the instructions say it takes 20 minutes. We celebrated Becky's 44th birthday last night at a German restaurant Oh my GOODNESS, the food was great! I couldn't get mine down...same old problem. hmmm. I hate that! I had to laugh when I thought about it though. We ate in front of the restaurant and they barely had any customers. I had to barf in the trash can 8 times while trying to eat there food. I hope nobody saw me, but if they did, I'm sure they wouldn't eat there. |
10/01/2005 07:18:54 jim I cant wait Im tired of living in one hotel room | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Ain't you 2 Becky? |
10/01/2005 07:17:33 Becky This is my entry for moving day. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Youch! |
09/22/2005 00:57:01 jim Copied from CEI | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 10:17:21 <Jim> You were so sweet Becky. I don't I've ever heard you laugh so hard as you did last night. The motion rides were great because of you!!! Tuesday, September 13, 2005 08:54:59 <Becky> Tournment of the Kings Last night we went to see the show at the Excaulber. They had six man doing all kind's of jump's and sumersualts cartwheel's it was so cool. We sat on the Dragon side's table. The dragon's were dressed up in black outfit's with black elegator head's on their head's. There was lot's to see. After the show we went to the Luxor. Jim took pictures. Then we got three ticket's to go on three motion rides plus the I Max Theater to see the 3D Haunted Castle it was so awsome to see you were so close it was like you were in the screen. We all were very tired. We got home at 11pm. When we got home we watched the 3D movie Shrek on our Projecter it was pretty cool. Monday, September 12, 2005 09:22:51 <Becky> Robert & Joy I read your blog. It was hard for me to read. I started crying when I read what you said about saying good bye. WE will miss you so much. This will be a change for us. I remeber living in Florida when I was 18 till I was 19. I lived in Tampa Bay and St Petersburg. Now from all these year's I'm going back to Florida to live in Orlando. This will be hard for me to say good bye to all of my family. I love you all so very much. We will stay in contact with each other over the phone or the internet. Robert I want you to know that I am so proud of you. You have been a wonderful father for Amy. I can tell that you really love her. The place you are moving to. I hope it work's out for you ,Joy, Amy. WE will be staying in a hotel for a week before we can move into are apartment. We move into the apartment on the 30th. Jim has the picture of the apartment's that we will be staying at on his website I'm doing laundry today. Jim & I got are hair's cut yesterday. We went to Baja fresh. There food was not that great so don't go there to eat (LOL). Lisa the hair dresser is so good at cuting hair. She did a great on my hair. I really like it (LMAO) He He. Do you work Saturday? If you don't we were thinking of haveing everyone to go out to Joe's Crab shack for a nice dinner before we leave. Thursday, August 25, 2005 13:16:20 <Squirty's Alter Ego> Hello Ms Rebecca You're always in the background when I am talking to Jimmy. Or IMing him. I miss Ms. Rebecca. Well stay good, and I've hopefully see you in Florida soon. Wednesday, August 17, 2005 13:03:46 <Becky> To Mikey Hi Mike It would be a different change for Jim. I used to live in Tampa Bay for 2yrs. I think it would be great for Jim to get the Job. So far he has'nt gotton any call's. Have a good day mike. Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:51:56 <Becky> Jury Summons Went to a Jury Sommons today. Jim called last night to confirm my time to go in. Well I got there at 11:55am. The lady at the desk asked me what number did I call. I showed her and she said I called the wrong number. Anyway's she said it was ok and I sat down to wait for my badge number to be called. I only waited for 25min and they excused everyone. What really sucked was that I didn't get paid for it.I don't have to go back for 18 month's yahoo yippee (LMAO) Thursday, August 11, 2005 13:44:48 <Squirty's Alter Ego> Howl!!!!! Ms. Rebecca - What do you think of Jimmy getting in here at M2 Corp, in Orlando, FL? I hope he does... It'll be good for him, me and the company. Long live Jimmy. Thursday, August 04, 2005 11:42:29 <Squirty's Alter Ego> That be real good, Ms. Rebecca I was first pleased to hear it was the stray doggy, and not the kids. Then when Jimmy said it was candle wax, and not the stray dog, I was glad it wasn't the dog. But, now the hard part. Getting rid of the wax. I guess Jennifur and Justin are good kids then... Hurray for them. Later... Ms Rebecca Bow How and Out... Saturday, July 30, 2005 13:27:11 <Becky> This Weeked Hey Mike The story about the tv is that my kid's didn't do anything to the tv. We lost power for an hour. There was two stray dog's going around in the neighbor hood. One of the dog's got in the back door. I was outside talking to are next door neighbor. When I found out that the dog got in the house and put scatches on the screen tv. This really sux. I wished I could have gotten the dog before it happened. I finally got rid of all the nits in Jennifer's hair. My mother picked me and the kid's on Wenseday to take Jennifer to the doctor's. The kid's went home on Wenseday. Jim is doing better today. Renee wrote me a letter. I could read it this time. Take care Mike. Tuesday, July 19, 2005 08:29:38 <Becky> Tuesday Jim and I took the kid's to the doctor's Yesterday. It took 2 hrs there. Jim went to Denny's he was getting the shake's so he had to get something to eat. He had Problems with the waitress she was very slow at getting his food to him. He spent 35 min wating to get some service. My mother called and told us that the Air Conditioner will be fixed on friday. Today Sonny, Jim and I will be going out for dinner. We will be taking the kid's over to Doris's were grandma is staying. Then we will pick them up after dinner and bring them back to our house. We will be going to the store to get two more bottles of lice shampoo. I'm doing laudry fun fun har har!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my blog. Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:14:43 <Becky> The Weekened Paul and my mother went to pick up my daughter Renee in Victorville California on Friday. On Saturday wewent to Paul's house too see Renee. My mother invited Robert, Joy and Amy over. Jim and I picked Robert and his family. Paul barbecued hotdog's hamburger's. My mother made potato salad and coles slaw and she Baked a German chocolate cake and we sang Happy Birthday to Renee. Jim took pic and my mother took pic's too. The Air Conditioner went out at paul's on Satuday it was very hot!!!. SOOOOooooo, Jennifer and Dustin and Renee spent the night at our house. Jim and I took Robert, Joy and Amy to the 99 Cent store, then took them back home. Renee got to see Robert's Apartment for the first time. This was the first time that Renee has seen Amy sence she was born. Everyone got up this morning I made coffee. I was surprised when Renee told me that she liked coffee. Anyway's my mother called this morning and asked a favor for her. She asked if Jim and I would make an appointment to for Dustin and Jennifer to see a doctor, Monday. So I will be calling their doctor tommorow to get them in. It was so good too see Renee. It's been about 1yr sence the last time we have seen her. She has lost alot of weight. Jim and I took Renee back to Paul's house at 10am. Jim and I and the kid's said good bye to Renee and said we love you and have a safe trip back. Jennifer and Dustin are staying here with us tonight. They are waiting for their Air Conditioner to get fixed. My mother has been staying with her friend Doris. It has Been a busy weekened for Jim and I. This is my blog for today. Sunday, July 03, 2005 22:17:49 <Becky> Sunday Jim and I pick up the kid's at 11pm on Saturday. We played games on the computer. At 7pm We went to Seastrand park to see the Fire Works. They were beautiful. The kid's spent the night. Today we went to the Freemont Experince. They had Fire works and two different band's playing. We saw more Fire Works after a baseball game. They were very pretty one's. Renee called on Jim's cell phone it was great to hear from her. She told us that she might get a pass to visit next weekened. The kid's are spending the night. Jim and the kid's and I are going to Ashly Wedding. I put a movie on for the kid's when we got home. It was 105 degree's out today. Very HOT!!!!!!!!! Wednesday, June 29, 2005 20:15:29 <CHERYL> Nice Hi,Ms.Becky I thought I would let you know that I went and take a look at those pictures and I must say they are wonderful pictures. Wednesday, June 29, 2005 14:33:00 <Becky> Boulder City Today Jim and I took Sonny to Boulder City College. He had to get his Engineer card renewed. Jim and Sonny were on the phone for an half hour trying to figure out which college to go too. Robert asked for more money from Jim ($75). He came over to pick it up. Sonny bought us lunch in Boulder City. It's a cute little town. Jim bought me a book for $3.50. Tuesday, June 28, 2005 23:19:20 <Becky> Tuesday Today Jim and I went over to Sonny's. We helped him with cleaning out his garage took some stuff too the dump. Then Sonny bought us dinner at Chappala's they have great food. Robert came over and borrowed some money from Jim for his new aparment that he is moving into Thursday. Jim and I rented 3 movies. So far 2 of the movies were pretty good. It's bed time. Nite Nite zzzzzzzzzzz. Saturday, June 25, 2005 09:53:06 <Becky> Saturday Jim and I are going to pick up the kid's at 11:00am. I woke up hearing the phone ringing. I had a real bad headache took 2 advil's. I don't know how today is going to be. Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:43:13 <Becky> Tuesday Today we are going to rent some more movies. Jim and me and Sonny will be going out to the feast buffet at the Boulder Station. I played Doublecross last night with Cheryl. Sonny and Jim did an expermit on a egg to see if it would shoot off like a Rocket. But the expermit failed the egg just opened up and exploded LOL!!!!!. Today I did my hair in pig tail's. I think it makes me look younger LMAO!. Wednesday, June 15, 2005 00:23:23 <Becky> Tuesday Sonny bought dinner for Jim and me. We went to HushPuppy's. They have great food. Jim and I went to the Hobby Shop and Jim bought a polish rock tool. We rented 3 movie's and got Cigarette's. Well I'm going to bed now. Over and out LOL!!! Tuesday, June 14, 2005 08:31:00 <Becky> The Weekened This is how our weekened went. Jim and I packed up the truck and picked up my kid's at my mother's house at 8:00. We got to Zion National Park at 10:30. We camped out at the South Camping Ground. We setted up are tent's. Jennifer and Dustin learned how to put up their own tent. Jim and I got our tent setted up after helping the kid's getting their tent set up. It rained the first night. It was so beautful there. The mountian's were so tall and big with so many different colors and features. Jim drove up this one mountian that had a tunnel that you drive though for a mile long. They built the tunnel in the 1920's. They used dynomite to blow the hole's though. When we turned around heading back to our camp site. It was raining. There was a rock shaped like a bridge that had water coming down on it. It was an amazing site to see. Jim and I got goose bumps from seeing it. On (Sunday) We went on a bus tour. We saw all different kind's of shapes of mountians and what the names of them were. Jim took 300 hundred or so pictures. On our way going back home we went to Cedar Canyon Breaks. When we were on the road we saw all kinds of snow and Aspen tree's. We couldn't see Cedar Break's because the road was closed. We headed to Cedar City and stopped at a outlook of a Lake with snow and tree's. A lady came out with a mini dansh hound dog and told us that there used to be a dam or a bridge that you could walk across the lake. But now the bridge is underneath the water. We saw another outlook that you could see the Zion Canyon and all green valley it was a beautiful site to see. We saw all different kind's of animal's on are trip. We saw Horse's Cow's Ostriches and Buffalo and a Bull and Elk and Donkey's and wild Turkey's and all kind's of different bird's and alot of Squirrel's. When we got to Cedar City we picked up some KFC and got on the road back to Las Vegas. We went by Mesquite. and saw a Casino were my mother and my brother were staying at on Saturday. We droped the off at 6:00pm. Got home and Sonny was here with Squirt. Sonny had told us that my son had droped off their dog (DOG)and we were'nt home. So now we have him in are back yard. Robert is suppose to pick him up today to take him to a dog Shelter. If anyone has'nt seen Utah you have got to go there it is such a beautiful state. I would go back there anytime I had a wounderful time there. The kid's were are alot of fun on the trip. Need to unpack the truck today get Cigaretts. Wednesday, June 08, 2005 20:18:58 <Becky> Tuesday Today Jim and I went to Hollywood Videos we got a movie called CrossRoad's it was about a kid that was 17yr's old and sold his soul to the devil for to come the best blues player. I like the movie lot's of blue's playing in it. Jim worked on his project with the air conditioner. Ricco the neighbor gave Jim a box of k5 wire. I think that's what it is (LOL). Oh well this is the best i can do. Good night. Tuesday, June 07, 2005 20:30:53 <Becky> Monday Jim and I went to Home Depot and Jim got a valve for his project that he is working on. WE spent 2hrs there. Before we left the house Jim called Sonny to tell him that he got a post office paper from Ewing Brother's Towing. Sonny called them. Jim told Sonny to call us back. Well we waited for 15min but Sonny didn't call back. So Jim called and found out that his Doge Shadow that got stolen was stripped at Martin Luther King St A very bad area. The good thing is that Sonny has a better car now. Jim and I went to Hooter's for dinner it was funny. One of the hooter waitress girl's came to are table and cleaned the table with her boobs hanging down her top while she was cleaning the table. The girls there were very nice and pretty and young. I thought it was cute seeing Jim's eye's getting big (LMAO). Monday, June 06, 2005 10:00:31 <Becky> Yesterday (SUN) Jim and I got invited to a barbecue at grandmas house at 5:00pm. Robert called Saturday to invite us over to his house at 2pm for a barbecue. The way it worked out was that we went to grandma's house ate dinner talked and left at 7:30pm and went over to Robert's house. When we got to the house it was pretty. Jim had a great time meeting Robert's friend's that live in the house. Jim was happy that these people were normal they don't talk over you. When you are talking if this make's any sence LOL. Today Jim and I are going to get a valve and some dripping sprinkler system's. Take the movie's back and get more. Monday, May 30, 2005 11:06:04 <Becky> The Weekened Saturday My mother droped off the kid's at 10am. Jim found out that Area 51 was haveing a 50th birthday bash. So Jim decided to go camping. We had to get permission from my mother too see if the kid's could go with us. I tried to call the house but know answer. We took the kid's to my mother's but no one was home. So Jim wrote a note. We ended up not going to the Area 51 bash instead we stayed with are neighbor's at their camp site. Are tent was too big. We had no were to sleep. So we decided at 12am to go back home. On sunday we took the kid's back home at 1:30pm. Jim and I were happy that they were home. Why we couldn't get a hold of my mother was because my brother accidentley cut his own cable wire LOL!! silly brother of mine he is a electrician huh? My mother talked Jim in to fixing their sliding glass window. We had dinner then came home. Today Jim and I are going to a pool party and then going over to my mother's for dinner. She is haveing Barbecue Spareribs yum yum. Well that's all folks. Sunday, May 29, 2005 20:29:38 <Squirty's alter-ego> Hi Rebecca... hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello.. See I can replicate Jennifer. I am kookier than kooky. Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:39:30 <Jennifer> Hi Mommy hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello Friday, May 27, 2005 12:40:32 <Becky> FRIDAY Got up this morning made coffee. Played bingo for awhile. Took a shower and started cleaning are bathroom and the kitchen. Vaccumed the living room and the hallway and are room. Playing cd's. Last night Jim and I went to Jennifer's choir. It was so CUTE!!!!! She was inside a green silk bag do different movement's in it. She did very well. Jim smiled and we laughed at the different act's that they had. Glad to here back from you mike. It's good that you are talking to us. After the choir Jim and I and Jennifer and Dustin and my mother went to Mcdonald's. Jim and I bought their dinner. For the five of us it only cost $21.00 pretty good deal for five people. Saturday, May 21, 2005 22:49:35 <Becky> Mike Hi mike I'm sry about being mad at you. Jim explained to me what was going on. I just wanted to say I luv ya mike. You are a sweet man. I hope that the job you have is going well for you? It's been along day. Take care Mike. Saturday, May 21, 2005 22:42:29 <Becky> Saturday Today Jim and I and the kid's went swimming.The pool was nice a cool. Jim helped me pick out a recipe for sheppard's pie. Jennifer ate 2 bowl's of it. Then Jennifer asked if she could take some home and I said yes. Everytime Jim and I take the kid's home she is alway's complaining about Dustin. Today was a good day though. Saturday, May 21, 2005 16:26:33 <Jim> Hey, what are we doing in Becky's We just got back from swimming. Pheeew. Mikey, you should have seen all of the babes at the pool. They were, literally, babies!!! hehe. Anyway, we love ya Mike. I love ya like a brother. Becky loves ya. Its hot out here. My brains are baked. Friday, May 20, 2005 22:08:16 <Squirty's alter-ego> On the contrary, Ms. Rebecca This is an issue too complex to look at without all the information. I will be the first to admit that Kevin screwed up, and very poorly treated Jim. DOn't ever think I don't want Jim here, or that I don't want to work with Jim. On the contrary. Have Jim explain it to you. You don't have the basis at the time you wrote your entry this afternoon to make a judgement. I love ya, and you are a great lady, but you have no idea how the manager here (and probably a lot of MIS/IT managers out there) thinks. And how decisions are based on whom will be interviewed. I am hurt you'd judge me based on something you didn't understand at the time. I said only the things I did since it is what 90% (guess) of manager would say. Specially where there are 1000 people out there almost as good as Jim at the job, how have not been out of work for 4 years. I am so happy Jim had the option to choose to take some time off and that he can string that out as long as he chooses, but you don't understand the mindset of the hiring MIS mager out there. What I said is just an indication of what the real world thinks of a 4 year gap in employment. Talk to Jim about this and I am sure he can explain it to your satisfaction. Then while we are all mad at Kevin, and rightfully so, don't accuse me of not caring for Jim. I love him like a brother. Friday, May 20, 2005 16:31:57 <Jim> Becky, Mike's a great guy. If anything, he tried very hard to get me into Florida! And I wanted to go. I would love to know what the headhunter told Mike though. I'd think it would be something like, he isn't a programmer because he hasn't programmed in 3 years. Well, that's just a fad. Some of the things I've heard employers say: We're looking for someone with a BA degree in anything. (Computer Science Corp) Cobol is good, but it needs to be AS400 Cobol (Clark County) Tandem is good, but you need to know Tal. (Tal school lasts 1 week) Tal is good, but you need to know Base24. (Base24 school lasts 1 week) Your salary history is too low. Your salary history is too high. We need a Software Engineer, not a programmer (EG&G) 2 years experience required in Windows 2000 (Shown in Dice, 2001) You must have experience with our software (Northrop) It just too funny. I'd be depressed if I weren't laughing. Friday, May 20, 2005 16:14:53 <Becky> THURSDAY Wrote a letter to Renee. Called my mother she is bringing Jennifer and Dustin over tomorrow. Jim is working on his Simpsons Video Poker game. The headhunter Kevin is a real ass hole he has'nt contact Jim or e-mailed him. I just don't get these Headhunter's. Why do they call them Headhunter's anyway's. It sound's like to me that they hunt head's not job's (LMAO). I did'nt appreciate the thing's that Mike said to Jim in his e-mail. I feel that Mike does'nt want Jim to come to Florida. Jim is trying the best he can. I know Jim can get a job by just talking to people. He is a good business man. The weather is starting to get very (Hot Ouch!!!!!!!). Wednesday, May 18, 2005 14:49:02 <Becky> Wenseday Robert & Joy & Amy came over this morning. Robert got on the computer. Jim printed out a game map for Robert. The next door neighbor's brought over some toy's for Amy. I cleaned up one of the toy's and Joy sat Amy on it she played with it for awhile. Jim showed Amy how to play with the toy she was setting on it had different gadget's on it. Amy is only 9 month's old she is getting bigger everyday. I put in the movie The Hook. I think it was a cute movie. Jim did a program for a video Simpson Poker Game. It is so cool. You can play it on the internet on Jim's website. Saturday, May 14, 2005 00:08:36 <Becky> Freemont Jim & Sonny & I went to the Fremont Experince tonight. There was people dressed up with western stlye clothes. They had two band's country and rock-n-roll music. I had a great time. Sonny got his car tuned up and oil changed. Jim drove the car. He really likes driving Sonny's car. The kid's will be here tomorrow for their visit. Fremont Experience was Great We loved the tall cowboy. Thursday, May 12, 2005 16:10:18 <Becky> Sonny's Day We took Sonny to get his car repaired smoged. Sonny Bought Jim & I lunch at the Sunset Casino. It was a nice day to get out of the house. The neighbor's next door filled up the dumpster. They are putting new window's in their house. So it has been quite a week so far. Wednesday, May 11, 2005 21:18:50 <Becky> We had a fun day. We went car hunting with Sonny. I had a Reuben at Arbys It was great! Tuesday, May 10, 2005 20:57:54 <Squirty's alter-ego> Puppy alter ego's sometimes can't read So Jimmy beat you and Robert. Naughty. You were suppose to win.. Next time. Get Jimmy and Robert good necxt time.. Tuesday, May 10, 2005 20:56:01 <Squirty's alter-ego> Hello Ms. Rebecca How are you doing? I enjoyed chatting with Jimmy on the internet the last few days. Thanks for whooping butt at that game!! Monday, May 09, 2005 23:18:19 <Becky> The Stratosphere Jim & I picked up Sonny & went to the Stratosphere for dinner. I could not belive the prices.Sonny bought are dinner. It was very pretty to see way up in the air looking out of the window's and the restraunt rotate's while you are eating. It was a great day. What was really neat is you can see all of Las Vegas&the light's on the strip. Sunday, May 08, 2005 00:07:15 <Jim> And I played you and Robert in Double Cross And WHOMPED THEIR BUTTS...Not once, but twice...haha! It was a fun night, especially nice for me, cause I won, I won, IwonIwonIwonIwon, I beat you, la la lala..yehaaaaa, WOWEEEeeeee! lol. Saturday, May 07, 2005 21:23:35 <Becky> The Kids Visit Jim & I picked up Jennifer&Dustin at 11am this morning. We rented movies and played on the computer. Robert and Joy came over i cooked Spaghetti and Jim went to the store and got ice cream & stuff for a banana splits. Wednesday, May 04, 2005 08:44:49 <Becky> Good Morning Woke up hearing Squirt barking his head off. It was 7:15am. I usually don't get up till 9am. For some reason I wanted to know about Menopause. The things us women have to go though sux. Oh well this is the life we have to put up with. Jim, Sonny and I Sonny went to Hush Puppy's last night It was great. They have good food there. I can't believe that someone would steal Sonny's car. I hope you get your car back Sonny. To me, though, I think you need a better car thou. Jim, I liked your 20Q question game it was cool. I hope this Pat guy from head hunter's can help you get a job. I feel so down that i can't work because of my bitchie mother. This hurt's both of us. I hope you are not thinking that i'm using you for your money. I would never do that to you. I'm very happy being in your life. I love you so much Jim. :) Wednesday, May 04, 2005 03:50:34 <Jim> That's interest about this blog. It's teaching me how to write too, but it's also teaching me how to program the web! If I'd had it 20 years ago, however, I never would have learned Word and all of the other word processors as well as I know them now. I've been keeping my diary on computers since 1982. Tuesday, May 03, 2005 11:42:28 <Becky> Tuesday It has been a weird morning. I first went to put my teeth in and something Happened the stuff I put on my teeth got stuck on the back of my mouth. I finally got it out and had to do it again (lol). Then i cooked breakfast this morning. Jim & I had French Toast & Bacon. Jim is trying to get a job in Florida or Colorado. It would be nice to get away from Las Vegas. I love to travel. Where ever Jim goes I go. This blog is helping to learn how to write. Monday, May 02, 2005 13:16:42 <Becky> Monday Went to Wynn casino on Sunday night. It was very nice. Sunday, May 01, 2005 11:31:57 <Becky> Saturday Jennifer and Dustin spent the night. Jim & I took the kid's to Hoover Dam. It was a pretty sight to see. Jim took picture's of the clock tower's and the shadow on the water. The picture's came out so smooth and crisp and clear. We played games on the computer's. The kid's watched Unforunate Events. Friday, April 29, 2005 07:11:26 <Squirty's alter-ego> Jimmy's highly Cobol like code snip That looks like a highly complex piece of cobol code there, that Jimmy wrote. He writes good, clean readable code. SAE Wednesday, April 27, 2005 13:07:42 <Jim> You are, and always will be my "WONDER BABE". I love the way you right (write). It's beeyoutifull. LOL. You need to use your periods more...and use the preview button down below, to read back what you wrote, to see if it makes scents (sense). lol Writing only gets better with practice. You're doing Wundaful! Wednesday, April 27, 2005 12:46:25 <Becky> Just Woke Up I had a cup of coffee & I was sitting at the computer reading the new's. When the phone rang & it was Sonny he had his car towed to a recking yard across town. Jim went to pick up Sonny to get his car back. Then the phone rang again and i wasn't even dressed yet it was Jim telling me too get ready in 5 minutes we are going to Denny's for breakfast (LOL). So I got up got dressed put my teeth in and locked the door's got the mail. I at first went outside but Jim wasn't here yet. Then I got the mail and took it inside and put it on the table, Then went back outside and here come's Jim good timeing i said. Sonny bought are breakfast he is a sweetie. Thank you Sonny. Tuesday, April 26, 2005 22:31:36 <Jim> I love you to Becky Babe! If the weather is good If your Mom says it's okay If nothing gets in our way Lets Go Camping else Lets have a yard sale else We could ask your Mom when you can take your kids camping else We could stay in and watch "Unfortunate Events" with Jim Carry. Haha...I'm boning up for possibly getting back into COBoL programming. Tuesday, April 26, 2005 20:38:19 <Jim> Hey, maybe could take the kids camping next weekend! And take Dustin and Jennifer. It would have to be someplace with nearby bathrooms though. That rules out Lovelle Canyon out. Mt Charleston is too cold. Hmmm. Red Rock doesn't have decent campgrounds. HEY! Lake Meade has campgrounds with bathrooms. Valley of Fire does too. Hmmm. Tuesday, April 26, 2005 15:13:25 <Becky> My Feeling's I enjoyed haveing Sonny with us at Hush Puppys. They do have great food. I want to thank you so much for takeing me out for dinner, My Love Jim. Sonny looked great last night. He did'nt look so tired then he usaully is. Sonny can be funny in his own way. I like when Jim & Sonny get together. You can tell that they are the sweet'est man i know. Jim & Sonny have very good heart's. I just wished that my family good have been good to me. But I don't see that happening. Oh well I tried to be the best mother I could. I do miss haveing Jennifer & Dustin over more often. They only come over on Saturday's. I don't know how you feel Jim about haveing the kid's to spend the night with us one of these weekened's? well this is my blog. Monday, April 25, 2005 22:59:50 <Jim> Yummy Yummy Yummy I've Got You in my Tummy! Great going to Hush Puppies tonight wasn't it? Your stuffed shrimp was wonderful. I still wonder what that black stuff they put in it was. I think it was liver...ewwwe....but it was SOOOOooooo GOOOOOoooood! Eating at Applebee's last night was special too. To bad they had the temp turned down to a polar bear summer. Applebee's has GREEEeeeaaatttt FOOOOOoooood too. Sunday, April 24, 2005 09:55:42 <becky> Jennifer & Dustin visit Yesterday my mother brought over my kid's to visit at 10am. We went to hollywood video's and got three movie's. Then went to Albertson's to pick up some Sushi but they did'nt have any so we ended up getting a cookies & cream cake & some Chicken Wing's with potatos. Got home and played a game Parchisi. It was fun. Dustin wanted to go to this site called toontown witch is a Disney website. I went to download Directx9.0 so he could play it. That was a mistake. It had a 3 day trial on it. Then I got a Virus. I did a virus check. I thought everything was working but it wasn't. Jim couldn't find why either. Then I remembered downloading Directx9.0. I found it in the downloaded program's. I removed it and the problem was solved! Jim and I were happy about that. It sprinkled a little bit outside. Jim and I sat on the swing. Jennifer was in a hammock and she looked so cute. Jim took pitcher's (pictures) of us they were nice. We took the kid's back home at 8pm. Today is Sunday my son was going to bring back are (our) cell phone this morning but he didn't show up. Why? We are supposed to get rain today we will have to see if it happen's. Jim is working so hard on a program that he is doing he has been working on it for 4 day's now. He is so great!!!!!!!!! at what he does. I am very pround of him. This is my blog for the day. Friday, April 22, 2005 at 14:12:55 (PDT) <becky> Good Morning Hi Jim I knew you were hungry this morning. I thought you would like to have French Toast. I'm glad you liked it. I bet you would have liked me to rub the syrup all over your Body. It would take alot of licking. My face and tounge would get mighty sticky (LOL). I'm going to check for virus'es now. Friday, April 22, 2005 at 13:38:09 (PDT) <Jim> Good afternoon my sweet potato. Glad you like your new (and my not so old) laptop. Thanks for the French Toast this morning too! Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 19:48:14 (PDT) <becky> Computer Day Today I got to change laptops. I was using two Compaq laptops. The first Compaq I was using the monitor went out on me, Then what Jim did is he hooked up my laptop to a different monitor. Then I got Compaq Presario 1650 from Jim's friend Jerry Newberry for 100.00 dollars which was a great deal. Jim got a HP laptop from Mike that has more Kb. Now I have Jim's Hp that he used to have. Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 11:03:20 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> Hubba wowee! I can't wait to give you my old laptop! I'm having a lot of fun restoring Mike's laptop. He's got so many little things on it that I didn't know existed. I know he doesn't eat corn, and he love's to look at porn, but I can't seem to locate his stash of pictures of women with chunky asses yet. I think the only thing better than getting, is giving. You give me so much love Becky. It's nice when I can make you as happy as you make me. Sorry I bitched a lot at you on the trip, BUT: - You are taking much better pictures (shorter delays, centered on the subject, and levelled), - you can help me navigate using maps now, and - you can set up the truck for travel faster than ever before. I'd love to use the reward system for training you But we'd be pulling over all the time to make whoopee every time you did something great! Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 10:23:24 (PDT) <Becky> Wednesday I had a great time at Disney Land on Monday 4/18/005. I was nervious about getting on the mattahorn and the train roller coaster's but i did it and it was a lot of fun. I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. You & I were both burned out from Disney Land. We were trying to find mike. Some thing's did go right for us on the trip it was nice to see mike. We will miss him. I wish him luck on his job in Florida. We followed Mike out of Los Angeles about half way. We got home at 9:30pm Tuesday night. Universal Studio's I think was alot more fun to see then Disney Land. I did enjoy the trip. Thank you so much for takeing me Jim I love you for everything you do for me. I not all awake but this is my Blog for the day. Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 09:40:41 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> I watched Sum of All Fears Those nasty Terrorist! Why can't they be Goofiests? Wouldn't it be nice to see on the news how that Goofiest attacked the Statue of Liberty and painted it pink? Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 09:12:14 (PDT) <Becky> Sunday Good Morning JIm & (Squirt). I just read my blog this morning. Thank you Mikey it was very sweet of what you said. I'm really excited about going to Disneyland, & yes this will be my first time going. I like my picture too. Jim is so good at doing different program's. I had a good time at Jennifer's Birthday party. She had 4 of her friend's come too her slumber party. I was up with them till 1am in the morning. They finally went to sleep about 2am. My mother made French Toast in the morning for the girls. Jim & I took picture's of the party. They turned out great. Robert came over (Saturday) night and brought his new co worker friend. He is training him how to drive a stick shift, For a 9 ton truck. Jennifer & Dustin spent (Saturday) Jim cooked chicken on small grill. It was great. Today is my mom's friend's birthday she is 77yr's old WOW!!. I have known Doris for 8 or 9 yrs now. She is a sweet lady. Well this is my blog for today. Have a nice day. Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 08:04:44 (PDT) <Squirty's Alter Ego> Another entry Ms. Rebecca Keep Jimmy from driving too crazy on the way to Dinneyland. But don't leave too late. I'll be too anxious to see you at the Dinneyland ticket booth at 11am. Did you and Jimmy ever see "The Sum of all Fears", a movie from a year or two ago? I did a special donation of blood at the Red Cross yesterday (Saturday) that involves sitting there for two hours, so they provide you with a selection of movies to pick from on DVD. I saw this for the first time. Kinda corny of a movie, but shows you what a scary thing the world is coming to when you consider the premise of the movie. That a terrorist can get their hands on a atomic/nuclear weapon. We may have not trusted the Soviets through from after WW2 through the '80s, but at least they were as scared to use those weapons on us as we were on them. These crazy people out there though don't care. See ya tomorrow, and don't think you aren't going to get away without me buying you Minnie Mouse ears with your name on it.... Mikey Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 07:56:49 (PDT) <Squirty's Alter Ego> Hello Ms. Rebecca Well, I finally made the jump from Jimmy's BLOG to yours. Love the picture of you. You are so photogenic. Please pass my belated birthday wishes on to Jennifur. Glad you and Jimmy are doing so well. You're special and so is he. I am so glad I have gotten to know you both. (BTW: And thanks to Jimmy, I have managed to get though some tough times....) I look forward to seeing you both at Dinneyland Monday. I am surprised you've never been there before. Specially given you've lived in AZ and NV (so close) all these years. It is truly one very special place. And this year marks its 50th anniversary. Mikey Saturday, April 16, 2005 at 22:53:24 (PDT) <Becky> testing Hi Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 10:44:42 (PDT) <Becky> Good Morning I just woke up got a cup of coffee, sitting at my laptop thinking about what to say. I'm not very good at writing. I have a learning disability. I'm not very good at math or reading. Jim is helping me with my reading part's of the newspaper. Jim has changed my life around...He is the best man I have had in life. Joy & Amy my grandaughter left to Kansas on Wednesday. They will be back next Wednesday. I will be going to Jennifer's birthday party tomorrow I hope it turn's out well for her. I will be spending the night with her. Jim will be by himself tomorrow. I will be back on Saturday with Jennifer & Dustin. Hey Mike if you read my blog. I heard you got a job in Florida. I hope it goes well for you. Well that's all folk's (LOL). Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 14:57:33 (PDT) <Becky> Hi Jim Thank you for making me my own blog. This movie that we rented is very weird. wow i just looked at the time it's almost 3pm. The weather is very nice today a great day for frisbee gulf at the park. Are we planning to go camping this Sunday? Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 13:48:47 (PDT) <Becky> Thanks Jim for the weblog! Lets see: Friday, we have to go to Mom's at noon to help her decorate for Jennifers party. On our way, we need to pick up Jennifer's cake at Albertson, which we have to order. Plus, Mom wants us to pick up candles for Jen's cake. And, she wants us to pick up 3 pizzas around 6pm. And, she wants us to get a Gameboy Advanced Pokemon, but not the Saphire version. I think thats it. Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 13:44:38 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> And this should be your second entry Yeppers Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 13:44:15 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> Hi Becky This (hopefully) should be your first entry in your very own weblog. |
08/12/2005 22:12:47 Becky Lost my mind in San Francisco | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Somewhere near Chinatown. May have been lost in the fish market. Answers to the name "Knob". |
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