Becky's Log |
![]() I'm just a little ol' country girl from Michigan. I have 2 sons (Robert and Dustin), 2 daughters (Renee and Jennifer), a mom (GMa), a brother (Paul) and a wonderful boyfriend (Jim) who drags me all over the country. We live in Las Vegas, but we're staying in Louisville, Kentucky these days. Jim's on a another mission. So watch your mouth. Be nice. Remember, "You can't eat your cake and lay in it too". And unlike little bo peep, don't eat all your sheep. haha. AND....enter something in my blog! Visit my site some time. Thats where I bought this outfit. |
07/23/2004 07:01:33 jim Beckys Mom is really something! | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Beckys Mom wants to have a special talk with us this weekend Background: Six years ago Becky's husband went to jail. Becky had 4 kids, no job and no savings. Her kids ended up in foster homes. Becky's mom gained legal guardianship over Becky's kids. She's taken care of them for 3 months by herself, and she stole $400 from Becky to do it. 1) Her mom and her brother kicked Becky out in February. Becky was paying rent, supplying food and insurance for the kids. I took Becky in. She and her brother openned, signed and cashed one of Becky's checks ($400) that came in the mail. 2) She took over Becky's kids. Becky's Mom and brother started to say Becky was a bad mom because she didn't walk her kids to school. I walked out when they said this.. 3) She told Becky she could see the kids. But she had to be supervised and get permission. 4) She tried to get child support from Becky, which was stupid. Becky doesn't have a job. Becky's mom's standards have kept Becky from working. Becky's mom was always threatening her, and putting her down and using whatever leverage she had to hurt Becky. 5) She asked us to take the kids one Saturday. She called at at 10am, asked us if we wanted the kids. We said sure. Then she asked when, we said noonish. Then she asked us how about every Saturday. 5) She asked us to take care of them for four days. She had a total hysterectomy. Its been four weeks. 6) Now she wants to abandon them. I can practically see that knife behind her back when she hugs me. This month has been totally ruined. Running those kids across town twice a day in a six hour period has destroyed the weekdays. This talk is going to end in an argument. She kicked Becky out of her hole, took it over and now she wants us to clean it up. |
07/23/2004 06:40:53 jim Ever feel like a worm with electrodes stuck in you | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I suppose this life is one of natures experiments. Dustin is my failed experiment. He wanted to read his Autobiography to us, he was proud of it. He wrote about the Cub Scouts. It got a D+, and he was happy about that. I guess that's how he wants his life to be. He's got no ambition at all. He just wants to watch cartoons and play games. The neighborhood kids avoid him. He's got intelligence, but he doesn't like to think. He wants to waste his precious life. I can see already how it's going to go with him. If he stayed here, I'd be cracking down on him all of the time, and he'd end up hating me. I could just laugh at most of the things he says, but he'd end up despising me. I give up. I let him in here and I can let him out too. |
07/06/2004 09:12:53 jim Thanks for the entry Becky. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I suppose I got my reward already for helping those people move. I got my Tit for Tat. :) I've got a family of sorts, thanks to you and yours. |
07/06/2004 09:03:32 Jim How is your back this morning? | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Good Morning Babe (bf) I'm going to study on driving test online today. Thank you for getting the Black Cohosh for me. I think you should have gotten something for helping Joy's Parents move it just didn't seem right that when you help someone move that it should have been a Tit for a Tat. Love ya Becky :) |
07/04/2004 09:41:29 Becky Hi Babe Good Morning | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Thank you so much for taking Jennifer & Dustin & me to the fireworks last night. It was lots of fun. Skip gave Dustin a huge bowl of cearel this morning lol!!!. I really liked how your little camera took the fireworks they were great!. Love Ya Becky :) |
04/23/2004 10:05:34 jim Ya sweet thang you! | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
We'll do well, no matter what we do, when we're together...ya sweet thang you! |
04/23/2004 10:02:51 Becky Good Morning my love | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Good Morning my love...It look's like a beautiful day today. I hope we do well on the Yard Sale this weekend. It will be lot's of fun!!!:). I plan to write a letter to Renee today. I love you kisses Becky
04/15/2004 08:41:15 jim Now that was sweet. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Now that was sweet. Becky I love you with all of my heart. Don't be sorry about anything. Code everything in its own color and file it away. |
04/15/2004 08:35:41 Becky I hope I haven’t disappointed you for loseing my j | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Hey Babe Sorry about this mornigng. I care for you very much. You are most important to me. Where ever you go I will be with you. I hope I haven't disappointed you for loseing my job? I know thing's will work out for us. I love you very very much. Hugs & Kisses Becky |
03/31/2004 14:32:49 Becky It’s Jim’s Birthday today. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Happy Birthday My love. |
03/07/2004 18:53:19 Becky Sorry about yesterday morning | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Hi there babe. I read your email. Sorry about yesterday morning. I wasn't thinking the right way about thing's. I miss the little one's. Love you kiss and Hugs. :) |
02/12/2004 08:38:07 Becky Good Morning Jim | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
We talked on the phone last night it was after 10pm. I will be calling you at 9am today. I have an appointment at Neveda Partner's at 11am. The wind is blowing like crazy over here this morning it's 8:35am. Luv Ya becky |
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